Abstract: Mobile device interaction with users is now done for many purposes such as making calls/SMS, location service, road map, traffic information, etc and it also helps user connect to the search engines. But the search query is limited in case of mobile device due to small screen and limited spaces available for typing querying. Unlike those used when interacting with search engines through computers. As result of this user is not able to get the exact information which is expected on the mobile devices. Using the concept of GPS it helps the user even to search the information while the user is moving from one place to another, thus helping in location based. It also helps the user search according to their preferences. Hence the proposed solution aids in better and faster result retrieval from querying search engine through mobile by giving the user to search the information based on two key concepts i.e. Location and Content Based search results from the mobile.

Keywords: GPS, Mobile devices, Location &Content Based Search.